.. _beagleplay-quick-start: Quick Start Guide #################### What's included in the box? **************************** When you purchase a brand new BeaglePlay, In the box you'll get: 1. `BeaglePlay board `_ 2. One (1) sub-GHz antenna 3. Three (3) 2.4GHz/5GHz antennas 4. Plastic standoff hardware 5. Quick-start card .. tip:: For board files, 3D model, and more, you can checkout `BeaglePlay repository on OpenBeagle `_. .. image:: images/product-pictures/45fontall.* :width: 940 :align: center :alt: BeaglePlay box contents Attaching antennas ****************** You can watch this video to see how to attach the antennas. .. youtube:: 8zeIVd-JRc0 :width: 100% :align: center Tethering to PC **************** .. tip:: Checkout :ref:`beagleboard-getting-started` for, 1. Updating to latest software. 2. Power and Boot. 3. Network connection. 4. Browsing to your Beagle. 5. Troubleshooting. For tethering to your PC you'll need a USB-C data cable. .. figure:: images/tethered-connection.* :width: 1400 :align: center :alt: Tethering BeaglePlay to PC Tethering BeaglePlay to PC Access VSCode **************** You can access VSCode in two ways: 1. :ref:`beagleplay-usb-vscode` 2. :ref:`beagleplay-access-point-vscode` .. _beagleplay-usb-vscode: USB ==== Once connected, you can browse to ` `_ to access the VSCode IDE to browse documents and start programming your BeaglePlay! .. _beagleplay-access-point-vscode: Access Point ============ By default BeaglePlay Access Point is enabled, You can connect to ``BeaglePlay-XXXX`` Access Point with the password ``BeaglePlay`` and then browse to ` `_ to access the VSCode IDE. .. note:: You may get a warning about an invalid or self-signed certificate. This is a limitation of not having a public URL for your board. If you have any questions about this, please as on https://forum.beagleboard.org/tag/play. .. figure:: images/vscode.* :width: 1400 :align: center :alt: BeaglePlay VSCode IDE ( BeaglePlay VSCode IDE ( .. tip:: For more Wifi and Access Point related info go to :ref:`beagleplay-connect-wifi` .. _beagleplay-demos-and-tutorials: Demos and Tutorials ******************* * :ref:`beagleplay-serial-console` * :ref:`beagleplay-connect-wifi` * :ref:`beagleplay-qwiic` * :ref:`beagleplay-grove` * :ref:`beagleplay-mikrobus` * :ref:`beagleplay-oldi` * :ref:`beagleplay-csi` * :ref:`beagleplay-zephyr-development` * :ref:`play-kernel-development` * :ref:`play-understanding-boot`